Contact Info

Hiya! How to best contact me depends on why you're trying to contact me:

I'm a...

... friend (or friend-adjacent new entity) who lost your contact info or hasn't gotten it yet

Email friends (at this domain).

... friend who has your contact info but isn't sure which to use

Numbered by preference (lower number is better):

I do occaisionally check social network DMs and such, but not frequently unless prompted, so probably don't use those unless we already have an estabilished communication pattern there & it's not time-sensitive.

... mutual on a collapsing social media network who wants to keep in touch

Email mutuals (at this domain) or message me on discord and we can figure something out from there.

... entity you talked with sometimes on a discord server that doesn't exist anymore

Same procedure as if you were a mutual on social media.

... entity that wants to follow you on social media

See the sidebar. Handles listed below "other socials" I have, but don't use much, so if you tag me on those i might not see it for a while.

... recruiter

I'm currently pretty happily employed, but if you must, email work[at]metamagical[dot]dev.

Please, please, please do not call me, or use other contact information listed elsewhere on this site. I will be fairly upset if you do.